Daily Gratitude Moment by Moment

Is it possible to express too much gratitude? Oh if only that were our problem. With over half of the world in dire poverty and more than that experiencing tremendous hardships through environmental upheaval, my gratitude is ever amplified and sincere. My little problems don’t amount to much in light of what it could be. Have you seen Eat, Pray Love yet with Julia Roberts? I haven’t, but I’ve read the book by Elizabeth Gilber, and it is a glowing example of a woman in transition realizing her saving grace is through gratitude, forgiveness and sheer letting go. We are mostly creatures of habit, so allowing new vibrations and patterns into our lives is a real accomplishment. That is what I am doing now. Allowing, allowing life to unfold with all its hardships, challenges, joy and surprises. I’m trusting that all will be just as it should, as it is, as it shall be, and all for the best. Sound philosophical? Yes, I’m right there living between the veils. It’s quite fascinating. With each day there is discovery, disappointment, achievement, awakening. May each of your days provide exactly what you need to further your soul along in this ever-changing world.

Peace, Namasté, Om Ha Hum

About RoseJade

I often think of myself as that aging child Joni Mitchell spoke of so many years ago. I'm eternally grateful for all of my blessings, and know any moment could be my last. I encourage everyone to live life fully each and every day, keeping peace with family and friends and practicing random acts of kindness.
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