Spring Equinox – New Beginnings

How I love the Spring and Fall – when days are the same length as the nights and the angle of the light is skewed just right. There is freshness and hope in the air. New growth emerging anyplace it can –  the deer eating quickly the tender shoots. There will be more, they are hungry. It’s been a mild winter in the mountains of southeast New Mexico. We could use more snow, but time is running out for that. Often we receive a last dusting at Easter, a strange white sight for this San Fernando Valley-raised girl.

The planetary motion reminds me to count my blessings and express gratitude for all that I have and all that is coming my way. Each day I wake up with this gratitude and each night before I go to sleep I remember how less fortunate so many are at this time. We all make choices each day that influence our outcomes. The video by Wayne Dyer below teaches us how to make better decisions based on universal principles of giving and receiving. Please enjoy. And open up to the Spring and your new beginnings.

About RoseJade

I often think of myself as that aging child Joni Mitchell spoke of so many years ago. I'm eternally grateful for all of my blessings, and know any moment could be my last. I encourage everyone to live life fully each and every day, keeping peace with family and friends and practicing random acts of kindness.
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