A Meaningful Life

I can’t express how important are one’s first thoughts of the day. We wake up and have immediate choices – to feel grateful for our lives and challenges, or to be mad or sad or resentful or any number of negative emotions. Start the day with love and gratitude and the smile on your face will change your whole demeanor.

I have led a blessed life, full of adventure, love, passion, pain, challenges, loyal friends, an incredible family, opportunity, variety, learning, disappointments, achievements, successes, failures, pets, great old cars, and so much more! My joy now is to share my quirky experiences of life and love in these pages. I’ll be giving away great information and advice about how to life happily, healthfully, and fulfilled. To live without regrets, to live to help others, to live to be of service, to have an abundant, prosperous, and spiritually awakened existence. My thoughts, interests and talents are many. May you find some comfort in this site that emphasizes Gratitude, Love, Compassion, Abundance and Service to others (which enriches the self).

Enjoy your journey – with all the highs and the lows. I have, and still do!


About RoseJade

I often think of myself as that aging child Joni Mitchell spoke of so many years ago. I'm eternally grateful for all of my blessings, and know any moment could be my last. I encourage everyone to live life fully each and every day, keeping peace with family and friends and practicing random acts of kindness.
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